Are you feeling tired and down in the dumps? We'll show you how to give your feet a good massage and you'll see immediate improvements in your physical and emotional state. There are many combinations of Eastern and Western treatments based on pressure stimulation of different areas of the body, such as acupuncture, acupressure and reflexology. Reflexology involves massaging the feet to relieve certain ailments and tensions. There are specific areas of the foot that represent all the organs of the body and by stimulating these areas manually we can relieve pain, facilitate the elimination of toxins, prevent certain diseases and health problems. Before starting, here are some important recommendations. Wash your hands well with fresh water and plenty of neutral soap before and after each massage. If you wish, you can use oils, powders or talcum powder to make the massage easier. Ten minutes of pressure and massage, twice a week, will be enough for you to feel the effects of reflexology on your health..
The first thing is to sit in a very comfortable position, with your right foot resting on your left knee or vice versa.
Hold your foot with one hand, while pressing the sole of the foot with the thumb or index finger of the other hand.
The pressure should be constant, with an intermediate force, and with a circular movement counterclockwise. If you do it the massage in reverse, it will not have any effect.
Start the massage by pressing from the toes and towards the heel. Do not forget to massage the toes and sides of the foot. Since the sole of the foot reflects all the areas of your body, with this general massage you will detect the most sensitive points, those in which you feel pain.
Repeat the same procedure with the other foot to detect the sensitive or painful points.
Once the general foot massage is finished, do a localized massage in the sensitive or painful areas that you have detected in both feet, always using the thumb or index finger of your hand. Pain in these areas indicates that the affected organ is not functioning properly and requires more stimulation. Try to apply medium pressure, always counter-clockwise.
If you feel a lot of pain, massage the surrounding area until you reach the center of the painful area. Keep gentle, constant pressure there, but not excessive.
Remember that excessive massage is usually counterproductive. It is preferable to repeat the massage in a subsequent session to gradually normalize the painful area. Complete the treatment by massaging the entire sole of each foot again, from the toes to the heel. Finally, massage the instep, the ankle and rub the foot in general.
.1. Sole of the right foot
Map of the sole of the right foot
2. Sole of the left foot
Map of the sole of the left foot
3. Dorsal part of the right foot
Map of the dorsal part of the right foot
4. Lateral part of the foot
Map of the lateral parts of the foot